In “One Piece,” the Navy Marines are one of the most well-known groups. They are the armed arm of the World Government and keep the law in the world of One Piece. They are led by Admiral Akainu, the strongest man of the Navy.
Many Marines are strong and smart, which makes them a recognized and powerful force. Admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, Fujitora, and Ryokugyu are all important people who are part of this group.
Who Are The Marines In One Piece?
The Marines are supposed to be a group of law enforcement officers who punish bad people. Their goal is to get justice by catching Monkey D. Luffy and other infamous pirates. They have also battled well-known pirates like Whitebeard and the Big Mom groups.
The Navy’s sign is an eagle with its wings spread. This symbol, which is worn on clothing, ships, and bases, shows how committed they are to law and order.
The One Piece Marines have a long and interesting past that has helped shape the show.
They might be the “good men,” but they also have problems. Admiral Akainu is known for being harsh and cruel, which is not what you’d expect from a “good guy.” Also, corruption has grown in the Navy, just like it has in other groups.
Even so, the Marines are important to the order of One Piece. Many of its members are loyal and ready to risk their lives to protect the innocent.
List Of The Strongest One Piece Marines Ranked
In the world of One Piece, the Marines are the main bad guys. They are a military group. They are in charge of keeping the World Government’s rules in place and keeping order. Here are some of the most powerful Marines from the series:
- Akainu
- Sengoku
- Aokiji
- Kizaru
- Admiral Fujitora
- Ryokugyu
- Monkey D. Garp
- Sword Captain X Drake
- Smoker
- Koby
- Momonga
- Tashigi
12/12 – Tashigi, the Strongest Swordswoman

Tashigi is a secondary character that we all initially associated with Zoro. After all, she resembles Zoro’s childhood friend, who is said to be dead.
Regardless, she is a marine lieutenant and Smoker’s close ally. She frequently assists him in his hunt for pirates.
Tashigi is a determined and serious person with a strong sense of justice and a desire to protect the innocent.
She is an expert with a sword and is not hesitant to put herself in danger in order to carry out her responsibilities as a marine.
Overall, she is a determined and capable individual who wants to do the right thing at all times.
11/12 – Momonga, the Best Vice Captain

Momonga is one of the Marines’ Vice Captains in the One Piece series. He is also one of the few characters that had the foresight to avoid being swayed by Boa Hancock’s talent.
As a navy officer, he is tough and studious, yet he also cares about his subordinates.
He lacks devil fruit talents, but his swordsmanship and Haki knowledge more than compensate.
Momonga has made numerous appearances during significant arcs of One Piece, making him a key Navy authority alongside the Admirals.
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10/12 – Koby, the Upcoming Naval Legend

Koby is a supporting character who initially appears in the first arc of One Piece. Until he met Luffy, he was a shy and cowardly individual. After saving his life, Luffy decided to join the Navy.
He evolved into a young marine cadet with aspirations of becoming a powerful and respected marine officer.
Koby is a polite and respectable person despite his desire. He works hard and is constantly willing to learn and grow.
After the time jump, he transformed into a cool person who is stronger than the usual Marine recruit.
Koby is a trustworthy and loyal buddy who will go to great measures to defend those he cares about.
Overall, he is a likable and well-meaning character who is constantly striving to be a better person.
9/12 – Smoker, the Badass Marine Official

Smoker is a secondary character that has quickly become a fan favorite Navy official in the series.
He is a marine commander famed for his ability to turn into smoke and utilize it to pursue and capture pirates.
Despite his vocation, Smoker is not a ruthless person and is willing to let offenders go if they have changed their ways.
He has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to challenge his superiors when he believes they are wrong.
Smoker is also a tough fighter who prefers to fight with a jitte. Overall, he is a deep and multidimensional guy with a rough appearance but a compassionate heart.
8/12 – Sword Captain X Drake, the Newgen Captain

X Drake is a Marine Sword Captain who also works as a spy to obtain sensitive information. Because of his Devil Fruit ability, he can transform into a dinosaur.
Despite being a Marine, he makes a bargain with the strawhat pirates to save himself, calling into doubt his commitment to the World Government.
He is one of the few Navy personnel who has recognized that the Strawhat pirates are not as bad as they believe.Smoker is a secondary character that has quickly become a fan favorite Navy official in the series.
He is a marine commander famed for his ability to turn into smoke and utilize it to pursue and capture pirates.
Despite his vocation, Smoker is not a ruthless person and is willing to let offenders go if they have changed their ways.
He has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to challenge his superiors when he believes they are wrong.
Smoker is also a tough fighter who prefers to fight with a jitte. Overall, he is a deep and multidimensional guy with a rough appearance but a compassionate heart.
7/12 – Monkey D. Garp, the Toughest Marine

Garp is a Navy hero and a valiant marine in the One Piece universe. He is well-known for being Gol D. Rojer’s adversary, as he was constantly on the trail of the Roger pirates.
Given his strength rivaling that of the pirate king, I believe he should be higher on this list, but that was in his peak. He’s not all that impressive right now, considering all we’ve seen him do is throw canon balls.
Regardless, he is said to be the strongest Navy member in terms of raw physical power.
Garp is also the grandfather of Luffy, the famed worst generation pirate captain. He had sought to make Luffy a Navy marine, but due to the influence of Ace and Shanks, Luffy chose to become a pirate.
After remaining with the Navy and grandfathering a pirate, he was forced to make difficult decisions later in the show that hurt people’s hearts.
6/12 – Ryokugyu, the Laidback Admiral

One of the Marine admirals is Ryokugyu, also known as Aramaki. He is feared for his terrifying strength and tremendous Haki skills. Ryokugyu is a strong foe, capable of transforming, creating, or manipulating plant life.
He is a well-known character in the manga, but he has yet to appear in the anime.
In terms of personality, he is a relatively laid-back man who isn’t too uptight or strict.
However, he, like Akainu, is deeply disturbed by the existence of pirates and will go to any length to eliminate them.
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5/12 – Admiral Fujitora, the Most Admirable Marine Admiral

Fujitora, also known as Admiral Issho, is a character who blinded himself in order to avoid seeing the injustices of the world.
He is a Marine and is well-known for his strong sense of justice. He possesses the capacity to control gravity and is even capable of attracting meteorites with it.
Fujitora is a calm and composed person who is not afraid to act when necessary. He is also willing to defy World Government instructions if he considers they are unjust.
Despite being a Marine, Fujitora has a difficult connection with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, and has assisted them on multiple occasions.
Fujitora is a rich and well-rounded character that adds dimension to the One Piece world.
4/12 – Kizaru, the Fastest Navy Admiral

Kizaru, also known as Admiral Borsalino in the popular anime and manga series One Piece, is a key adversary.
He is one of the Marine Corps’ highest-ranking officers, and he is noted for his incredible speed, strength, and agility.
Kizaru is also a Logia-type Devil Fruit user, which means he can turn his body into light and use it as he pleases.
He is a cool and collected man who rarely shows emotion or sympathy for his adversaries.
Despite his status as an admiral, Kizaru does not aggressively seek to bring people to justice.
Overall, he is a formidable and merciless adversary who should not be underestimated.
3/12 – Aokiji, the Lazy Yet Powerful Marine Admiral

Aokiji, also known as Kuzan, is a former Marine Admiral who left the organization after a dispute.
He is known for his laid-back personality and his ability to transform into ice.
Aokiji is a skilled fighter and has a strong sense of justice, but he is also willing to go against the Marines if he believes they are acting unjustly.
He is a formidable opponent, with powerful Haki abilities and a Devil Fruit ability that allows him to create and manipulate ice.
Despite his cool and relaxed attitude, Aokiji is deeply loyal to his friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them.
2/12 – Akainu, the Current Strongest Marine

Admiral Sakazuki, better known as Akainu, is a key adversary in the anime and manga series One Piece.
He is a powerful and brutal Marine who adheres to the concept of absolute justice.
Akainu despises pirates and will go to any length to rid the world of them, even if it means inflicting harm to innocent people.
He is a fearsome foe, possessing powerful Haki skills as well as the devil friut power to turn his body into magma.
Despite his harsh disposition, Akainu is well respected within the Marines and was appointed Fleet Admiral after Sengoku died.
1/12 – Sengoku, the Former Navy Fleet Admiral

Sengoku used to lead the One Piece Marines as their Fleet Admiral. He was at the top of the group and was known for following the code of justice to the letter.
Even though Sengoku seems laid-back, he has a strong sense of duty and is ready to do whatever it takes to protect the world from pirates.
He is a good fighter and can change into a big golden Buddha with the help of a strong Devil Fruit ability.
Overall, Sengoku is a tough opponent, and both his friends and foes respect him for that.
This is the end of this post. This is everything you needed to know about the marines from One Piece and their leaders.