
Popular Kids Anime for both Parents and Children

Family time is about activities that everyone will enjoy. Most anime/movies do not fit into this category. However, there are certain categories of Anime that is the new entertainment meeting point for parents and their children of all ages.

Numerous streaming sites are offering the best animes from around the world. However, you want to enjoy the show as much as your children are enjoying it. Of course, rewatching your classic favorites might be one way to do it. But you can also create beautiful memories and a lot of fun time with your children watching new series. Here are a few animes that both parents and children will love.


15+ Cutest Pokemon of All Time

The anime has its origin in Japan. The franchise also released a video game at the same time. It has been entertaining the world since 1996 and has now become widely popular across the world. Therefore it is available in almost all major languages.

This anime features a protagonist by the name Ash Ketchum. The Japanese name for the protagonist is Satoshi. The star sets off on an adventure to sharpen their skills and becomes masters.

Pokemon anime is the longest-running series with more than 1000 episodes produced for the international community. The latest film hit the market in December 2020. As the children enjoy the anime, the parent will love the adventure. It is one of the anime that will help you to bring up superstar kids.

Related >> 15+ Cutest Pokemon of All Time!


Anime Martial Arts - Naruto - family friendly children anime

Naruto is rated PG because of the kind of adventures the children will be experiencing in the anime. It is still based in Japan, helping you to understand the rich heroism culture of the Japanese people. While it is designed for older children, parents will also love the story, especially the lessons it imparts to their children.

Naruto is a young ninja destined to become the leader of his village. He is exceedingly mischievous but offers the best lessons to children at the self-awareness stage in life.

Naruto features the story of growing to become a leader. It imparts the values of hard work, adventure, and purpose. At the same time, the series explores the themes of loneliness and self-acceptance. For the pre-teens, this is an entire lesson packaged in the most engaging format.

The latest episode addresses some of the pressing challenges of the world today. It makes brief mentions of drinking, smoking, and gambling. The mode of presentation helps the message to hit home with greater impact.

Moreover, it has a sequel called “Boruto” where Naruto has become a father and has to raise his children. While Naruto is no longer the Main Protagonist, it is something that parents would love to watch.

My Neighbor Totoro

My Neighbor Totoro - best anime for children and parents

The anime is rated for general family viewing. It has a family-friendly storyline that is easy to understand for children above 4 years. The story features two young girls relocating to the village with their father. Moving to the village is supposed to bring them closer to their hospitalized mother.

The curious girls begin exploring their neighborhood. They come across Totoro, an animal living in the forest nearby. The creature has magical powers that will baffle adults and children alike.

In the course of interacting with Totoro, the older sister turns into a Totoro. The younger one runs away from home. The ensuing adventure will make great moments for children and their parents alike. Hire homework helpers from the US essay writing service to create more time with your children without compromising their academic performance.

A Silent Voice

Best anime movie - A silent voice

Do you want to teach your child about treating persons with special needs? This is the best anime to watch together. The movie is made for children above 10 years old. It features Nishimiya Shouko. She reports to her new school but is bullied because she is deaf.

Ishida is the boy behind the bullying. When it gets out of hand, Nishimiya moves to another school. Her classmates are not happy and end up ostracizing him.

Several years after the incident, Ishida is still tormented by the treatment he meted on Shouko. He endeavors to look for her and apologize. The movie is packed with a lot of emotions but also captures some of the best lessons people should learn in the world today.

Many animes are exploring different themes that you can enjoy with your children. Order homework help from the Pro Essay Writing online to create more room to enjoy the entertainment with your kids. While they may be designed for entertainment, they pack valuable lessons using the most engaging methods.

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Adrian is a content writer at uk essay writing company helping students to create the best schooling experience. He shares tips on making assignments easier and enjoyable at all grades. He also advises students on how to make better use of their college years.

Author’s website: https://proessaywriting.co.uk/

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