Boku no Pico Explained: What is Boku no Pico and why is it popular?

Boku no Pico is perhaps the most popular anime out there. Unfortunately, it is popular among the fans for the very wrong reasons. It belongs in the trap genre, and ironically, it is even used to trick new anime fans into seeing the weird and dark side of anime.

There is a high chance that Boku no Pico is going to freak him/her out, and he/she will never turn to anime ever again. Such is the devastating aftereffects of Boku no Pico, and the horrifying images of this anime will not go away from your mind any time soon. 

In this article, we will take a look at Boku no Pico in detail, exploring its various aspects, and also give some sources where you can make your eyes suffer voluntarily.

Summary Of Boku no Pico


The first thing that everyone needs to know about Boku no Pico is that it is not an anime series. It is actually a femboy hentai anime. It can be classified as an OVA with only one episode of 34 minutes. We are lucky to have the episode for only half an hour because not many would have been willing to sit through this anime for the whole series. 

It is also crazy that this anime was aired back in the year 2006. And after more than 15 years, it still remains the most trolled anime that can drive people crazy. That factor is solely responsible for keeping this anime evergreen. 

No one has been able to produce something more dangerous than Boku no Pico in this period of time. There is a 90% chance that Pico will haunt you in your dreams after you finish watching this anime. Moreover, the best day of the year to watch this anime is on April Fools’ Day because that way you can at least justify watching it as a joke.

But that’s not all. Boku no Pico did not just stop there. It went on to produce three more spin-offs in the following years that not many are familiar with. Of course, the hardcore fans decided to give it a try since they were practically numb to any pain they felt while watching the first part. 

These 3 spin-offs were: Pico & Chico (2007), Pico: My Little Summer Story (2007), and Pico & CoCo & Chico (2008). Similar to Boku no Pico, each of them was around the 30 minute mark and had the character Pico that we saw in the first part. Boku no Pico completely removed a main character that we saw starring alongside Pico as the story shifted to a different direction.

Boku no Pico Characters

There are mainly two main characters in the story – Pico and Tamotsu. You can stretch the total number of characters to three if you also consider Ojiisan as a character. And that is only when we are taking Boku no Pico solely into consideration. 

If we take a look at the spin-offs, then other characters also come into the play, like Chico, Oneesan, and Coco. Each of them played their respective roles in the spin-offs, while Pico was the constant character in all of them.



Pico is the trap in this anime who can fool anyone with his appearance. For some reason, Pico kind of has a feminine appearance, and people mistake him for a girl because of that. 

In reality, he is a young boy with blonde hair on his head who has come to visit his grandfather during the summer. While staying there, he is also working part time at his grandfather’s cafe. Since Boku no Pico is largely a hentai anime, Pico is often shown swimming naked or else wearing only a Speedo. 

When Pico wears girls’ clothes, it becomes even more impossible to recognize him as a boy. He shared a sensual relationship with Tamotsu, and that comprises the main basis of the story.



Tamotsu is the other character who starred opposite Pico in this anime. He works a white-collared job and frequently visits the cafe that Pico’s grandfather owns. That is the exact place where Tamotsu spotted Pico for the first time and confused him for a girl. 

He was in for a shock when he later discovered Pico’s gender was male. But that didn’t sway him away from Pico. Instead, he kept his sexual intentions intact and even bought Pico some girly outfits. At first, it seemed like the sole reason he contacted Pico so frequently was because of his lust. 

Although that was true to some extent, he did show his concern when Pico disappeared later. The crazy thing is that Tamotsu doesn’t feature at all in the spin-offs of Boku no Pico that were released after it.



In hindsight, Ojiisan was an equally important character besides Pico and Tamotsu in Boku no Pico. This is because everything that took place happened only because of his cafe that went by the name of Bebe. 

Pico came to work there as a waiter, and Tamotsu came there as a customer. It was also Ojiisan who introduced the two of them for the first time.



Chico is an innocent boy who makes his debut in the second part of Boku no Pico. He lives with his sister deep within the forest and happened to come across Pico when he was biking. Despite not having much experience with sexual relations, Chico forms a connection with Pico, and the duo become a couple later in the series. 



Oneesan is the older sister of Chico, who also happens to be his only guardian in the story. She is often seen pleasuring herself when she is spotted by her brother, Chico. Since she lives away from the main part of town, she has a lot of sexually explicit items in her home that got the attention of Pico and Chico. She even caught them using it after returning home from the store one day.



Coco is the last boy to complete the trio of Pico, Chico, and Coco. He also has many feminine features, and Pico is easily attracted to his seduction. His entry was the cause of a problem between Pico and Chico that saw him distance himself from the duo. But at the end, they have a threesome anyway, because a hentai series wouldn’t end any other way.


In this section, we are going to cover all the plots in detail so that you can take your time and decide for yourself which one you are going to watch first.

Boku no Pico Plot

Boku no Pico Plot

The plot starts with Pico coming to work in a coffee shop that is owned by his grandfather. His sole intention was to work there part time until the day Tamotsu’s eyes fell on him. For Tamotsu, the cafe served as an escape, and he found something more to add to his boring life. 

Tamotsu and Pico found that a chemical reaction was sparked between them. It didn’t take long enough for their love to shift to lust, and all the barriers between them were broken.

Pico & Chico Plot

Pico & Chico Plot

In Pico and Chico, we follow Pico on yet another lustful and thrilling adventure of his own. This time, Tamotsu is not at all in the picture, and it’s mostly about Pico. To be fair, Tamotsu didn’t need to be in the scene anymore. Pico got most of the experience from Tamotsu and was ready to pass off her holy knowledge to someone else. 

This time he met a boy named Chico when he went out biking. Chico is completely different to Pico in terms of personality. He doesn’t know anything about the desires of the flesh, and it’s like the universe sent Pico there to educate him. So when Chico takes him to his sister’s place, where they see her pleasuring herself, Chico gets the full picture and decides to get in on the action himself with Pico.

Pico: My Little Summer Story Plot

Pico: My Little Summer Story Plot

This OVA is basically a re-edited part of the very first Boku no Pico. There are no major changes in the story, and the red-edit was done with one main goal in mind. That is to make it more suitable for viewers who have still not crossed the threshold of 18 years of age. So, if you don’t want to make yourself voluntarily suffer through Boku No Pico, you can choose to watch this instead.

Pico & Coco & Chico Plot

Pico & Coco & Chico Plot

The only thing missing in the last three OVAs was a love triangle. And this void has been certainly filled by the last installment of this series. Pico and Chico are a couple in this story who have gone out to spend some quality time in town. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a mysterious character named Coco emerges, and Pico falls into the trap of his seduction. This sparks a chain of events between the three of them involving jealousy, passion, and anxiety.

Production Details Of Boku no Pico

Boku no Pico was produced by Natural High Studio, who is also solely responsible for producing other titles like Pico to Chico, Pico: My Little Summer Story, and Shounen Maid. As you can see, they have clearly followed a pattern in this respect, and the only thing on their mind was to create a lasting impression on their viewers. 

And boy do they succeed in following that word by word! We are pretty sure that people watching this anime will not be able to forget it in at least 20 whole years. And even that, there may be very little time for that. Katsuyoshi Yatabe was the man behind the director’s lens as this OVA was released as DVDs for the audience. 

Anyone who has watched this anime will find it crazy to think about the fact that the production was not only stopped at anime. A music video album and a PC game followed the OVA, making it more marketable. 

Clearly, people were consuming the content for whatever reason, and financially, they were on the side of profits. Since then, Boku no Pico has become a trademark and will remain so for many more years to come.

Where to Watch Boku no Pico?

watch boku no pico online

You can view Boku no Pico on some famous sites for anime like Crunchyroll and Funimation. Yes, these two sites, which are quite popular among anime fans for their content, also have Boku no Pico in their catalog. Other than that, if you are looking for an unofficial website to watch Boku no Pico then Gogoanime is the one for you.

This is all you needed to know about Boku no Pico! We’ve covered it’s plot, characters, sequels and production details. Hope it helped qwell your curious souls!

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[…] without a doubt the holy grail in the world of manga. Just like people troll a newbie in anime with Boku no Pico, a custom should be made to troll newbies in the manga world. Although, the downside is that they […]


[…] we arrive at the legend of traps – the myth, Boku no Pico. If any anime fan says that he/she has not heard about Boku no Pico, they are not a fan. After […]


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yes no wheel
2 years ago

I’m not sure what this show is, but I’m definitely intrigued!

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