Manhwa / Webtoon Games For Android

Hello my awesome Webtoon fans! Today I’m going to write about the Webtoon games / manhwa games that have been released for Android.

Until a few days ago I had no clue as to there were games for Webtoons/manhwas. But as I was looking for content to write about, I just decided to search for them on a whim.

And surprisingly I found some of them. 

I’ve never been into mobile gaming so I didn’t know they made games for Web comics!

Naturally I didn’t find many of them. There were only 3 games that featured some of the most popular Webtoon series.

List of Manhwa/Webtoon games for mobile

Hero Cantare with WEBTOON

Hero Cantare webtoon crossover fighting game

Hero Cantare is a webtoon crossover RPG fighting game of the three most popular action/fighting web comics: Tower of God, Hardcore Leveling Warrior, God of High School.

In addition to single player game modes, it has 1v1 and 3v3 PvP modes.

You can download the game here.

The God of Highschool 

God of high school android game

As a big GoH fan this game hyped me up so much. Speaking of which, we’re also getting an anime adaptation this year. What a great time to live.

The God of Highschool game is a 3D action-adventure game with a lot of game modes like Hero Battle, 3v3 Team Battle, Rune Temple, INFINITE NOX, Challenge Tower, etc.

It also seems to have a lot of events to keep things interesting.

You can download the GoH game here.

Tower of God 

Tower of god webtoon game

Unfortunately for global fans of the tower of god series, this game is not available in English the moment.

However, I did hear that there is an English guide online and we can learn at least the basic menu options and play the game.

This Tower of God android webtoon game is a side scrolling action RPG that features all the characters from the series.

With this game you’ll be able to relive the story following Bam and his friends searching for Rachel.

If you want, you can download the game here.

These were the best Manhwa/Webtoon games that were available on play store.

There were a few other fan-made games for some other web comics, however I didn’t include them in this listing as they were not as amazing as these ones and were not official.  

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