Anime Hashtags for Instagram

Hello guys! In this post I’m going to give you my anime hashtags collection that you could readily use on your posts! Recently, a couple of my readers asked to create a post about the tags that I recommend for anime Instagram pages. So here we are! I’ll give you the tags that I used when I started out.

A while ago, I wrote this article explaining the tips and tricks to grow on Instagram. There I’ve mentioned about hashtags and why they are important. However, I didn’t suggest any set of hashtags on that article, because I didn’t use them anymore.

Why I don’t use hashtags anymore


Well, simply put, they’re a pain lol. If you’re posting as frequent as I am (more than 5 times a day), then you should be using different sets of hashtags for each post. If not there is a possibility to get hashtag banned since you keep spam posting on the same tags.

Besides, once you become a bigger page, you’ll probably do fine without them at all. Your content will still reach a good amount of new people who are not following you.

How? Through the explorer, of course!

You don’t have to do anything special to make your post appear on the explorer. As long as it gets decent interaction from your existing audience (and a lot of saves particularly), then Instagram will push your post to the explorer.

Here are my anime hashtags collection

Smiling kind anime girl

While I said I don’t use them now, I definitely did when I started out. And lucky for you guys, I still have my hashtag collection stored in my virtual diary.

What do I mean my collection? I use different sets of hashtags for different types of posts. I have a set of anime hashtags for memes, and other for quotes, etc.

Tags for anime quizzes

If you post anime quiz related content, these hashtags might help! Of course, as you might have noticed, not all of these tags are quiz related. And that is fine! A good mix of a variety of tags will help you reach a lot of people.

#animequiz #anime #animelover #animefan #animefandom #animelove #animeinsta #animeislife #animedaily #animefun #funanime #weebs #weeblife #weeb #otakutest #otaku #weebtrash #animejapan #animepost #animepics

Tags for anime facts

If you’re creating anime facts and other informational post, these tags will come in handy!

#animefact #animefacts #factanime #factsanime #animeinfo #animeinsta #animeinstagram #animeedits #animefan #animefandom #animepost #animelover #animeforlife #animeforever #instaanime #weebs#weeb #weeblife #otakunews #animefun

Tags for anime recommendations

Do you create anime recommendation posts on Instagram? Then use these!

#anime #animerecommendation #animerecommendations #weebs #animeforever #animeinstagram #animeinsta #instaanime #animelife #animeinstagram #animeislife #animelover #animeworld #animefan #animefandom #weeb #otakuforever #otaku #animeseason #animeseries #animewisdom #animes

Tags for anime fight scenes and other videos

Reels and other video content are getting popular on Instagram nowadays. If you create amv and stuff these are for you.

#animefight #animebattle #animefightscene #animestagram #animecommunity #animeclips #animeclip #animefans #animevideo #animevideos #animevideoedit #anime #animeislife #animelove #animelovers❤❤❤ #animeedit #coolanime #animeworld #animefree #animefreaks #animefreak #animefeature #instanime #animescenes #videoanime #animevid

Hashtags for AMV content

Are you an AMV creator? Then use these!

#amv #animemusicvideo #amvedit #amvedits #animeamv #amvanime #amvsongs #amvs #amvcontest #amvcontests #amvanimes #amveditor #amvsongs #amvvideo #amvanimeedit #amvmusic #amvfan #amvmix #amv_anime #amvbadass

Hashtags for anime arts

Are you an artist? If yes, then try using the below tags!

#otakuart #animedraw #animedrawing #animearts #artsanime #animeart #pixiv #digitalart #kawaiianime #animeillustration #loveanimes #drawinganime #mangaworld #animedrawings #cuteanime #japaneseanime #beautifulanime #animekawaii #kawaiianime #animes #animelove #animefan #animepage #animeedits #animeedit #animefreak #animelife

Hashtags for anime memes

Ah, I see. You’re a fellow anime memer, as well. These are the tags that I used to have in my posts.

#weebs #anime4life #weeb #animefunny #animeforlife #otakus #mangaka #animefans #funnyanime #animejapan #animeworld #animememes #anime #animewaifu #weebmemesdaily #mangastyle #animedaily #animemes4u #weebtrash #animemes #funnyanime #animeforever #animeme #animes #funnyanimememes #animefan

Hashtags for anime quotes

Anime quotes are pretty popular in the instagram community. If you’re posting this type of content then use these.

#animequotes #quotesoninstagram #quoteoftheday #instaquotes #instaanime #animequotesindonesia #animequote #animequotesforlife #otaku #quotesanime #animewisdom #animequotesandsayings #quoteanime

Remeber to add post specific tags!

Remember that the above mentioned tags are only general tags. In addition to those, you can always add post specific tags. What do I mean by that? Well, if your post is about the anime ‘black clover’, you can add tags like #blackclover #asta #blackcloverfans etc. You get the idea.

But be warned! Never have more than 30 hashtags in a post!! If not, instagram will think you’re spamming and will penalize you by hashtag banning you.

Copy from other popular posts on Instagram

The best way to find good tags for your content is to go to the said hashtag on Instagram and look at the posts there. This way you can find a bunch of hashtags that actually work. If it works for them, it’ll work for you too. So you can freely copy them and use it on your own posts!

Extra tip: Easiest way to copy captions from other Instagram posts

Most of you probably already know this, but you can access Instagram through your browser as well. It is not possible to copy text within the app, but you can if you’re using the browser! Or you can open Insta on your PC and copy the caption and mail it to yourself.

Too much work? Then do this: copy the post’s link by clicking the 3 dots icon (I dunno what they call it lol) on the top right corner of the post. Now, paste it in this website. That’s it! You’ve successfully copied the caption from the post you wanted!!

Hope you found this post helpful! See you in the next post~

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