How To Overcome Hentai Addiction – 5 Tips To Break The Habit

Hentai addiction is an undeniable threat to real-life relationships and mental growth. Especially if you’ve dived deeper into the abyss of hentai doujins, you have seen extreme things and become conditioned to them.

After getting used to reading doujin, normal, real-life adult content and relationship will seem dull and boring. Now, there are people who think this is alright, and that is their choice. There are Fictosexual people who are openly attracted to fictional characters.

But there is another group who considers this as a disease. They call it schediaphilia.

Seeing how you are reading this article, you are not a fictosexual person. You don’t want to be bound by hentai addiction anymore.

Therefore, I’ll be giving you my tips and tricks to overcome hentai addiction slowly but surely.

Understanding Hentai Addiction

brain on hentai - how-to-overcome-hentai-addiction

Brain & Addiction

To understand hentai addiction and addiction in general, you need to understand how your brain works.

You might have heard the term “neuroplasticity” before. It basically means that your brain is something that can change shape according to your lifestyle.

To put it in even simpler terms, the more you do something, the more strongly it will get registered in your brain, which in turn forms a habit. Similarly, the less you do something, the more it loses its position in your brain as a habit.

In short, it is responsible for habits (both good and bad), and you have the power to choose how to use it.

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Hentai Addiction-Explained

Hentai is a combination of gratification and habitual action. This is a deadly combo, as the more your brain finds pleasure in something, the more strongly it will be rooted to the habit.

The more some activities make your brain secrete feelgood hormones, the more it will want to continue doing them. This is why adult content in general can be addictive.

However, the feelgood harmones are not exclusive to hentai.

For example, having a great time with a friend or pet secretes feel-good hormones. Watching a great anime or movie, reading a great book or comic, doing workouts and improving your career skills all have the same effect.

This is why the easiest way to overcome addiction is to replace the habit with something else that will give the same feelgood hormones.

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Tips to overcome Hentai addiction

  • Find a replacement habit
  • Self reflection and pep talks
  • Know the triggers
  • Get a good reason to overcome hentai addiction
  • You don’t necessarily have to stop watching hentai completely

Find a replacement habit

Tips to overcome Hentai addiction

Let’s face it. You have a hentai addiction because you are an anime fan or a fan of fiction in general.

So the best replacement for your addiction is another work of fiction that will keep your brain entertained.

In my case, I found them to be webtoons. I had a habit of reading hentai manga, so replacing it with a similar reading experience (without the ecchi or hentai part, of course) did the job.

By filling my mind with the story from the webtoon, all I could think of was “what happened next.” There is no room for having dirty thoughts or cravings as I get so involved in the story of the webtoon.

Self reflection and pep talks

anime self reflection

Once I read a wise saying on Instagram, something like this:

All evil in the world arises from weakness.

Now, I was the kind of person who had dived deep into the abyss of hentai doujins.

I started reading normal ones, but soon enough I found even more extreme and exhilarating stuff.

I was also ashamed of the kind of hentai content that I had been reading, and I considered it to be evil. So I instantly connected this quote to the hentai addiction.

Therefore, I tried to understand what my weakness could be. This is when I realized that I had a pattern of reading more hentai the more I got stressed or pressured in life.

The more I was confused with something, or the more I doubted myself, the more I chose Hentai Manga as a place to run away to.

Simply becoming conscious of my behavioral pattern helped me a great deal from unconsciously going to hentai all the time I felt troubled in life.

Not to mention, in my case, the hentai addiction was directly related to my self-confidence and self-worth. I had to do some internal reflection to fix those issues.

A bit of pep talk and self reflection ultimately resolved the addiction.

You can also draw inspiration from other people on r/Hentaifree who are overcoming hentai addiction.

Know the triggers

Are you the trigger - how-to-overcome-hentai-addiction

This is somewhat related to what I talked about in the previous section. For me, the trigger was stress. It was the root cause.

If you are able to find the root cause and fix it, the below items might be unnecessary.

The triggers can be anything like seeing a semi-nude anime girl picture on Instagram, or you might have followed a NSFW page that triggers your need to watch/read hentai.

Or it might be one of those horny ads that are being shown on illegal anime streaming sites.

You need to get rid of all of these. Unfollow the NSFW pages. Use an adblocker or use a legal streaming service.

Whatever your trigger is, know it, and get rid of it.

Get a good reason to overcome hentai addiction


Even if you started to get over your hentai addiction, you should have a good reason to restrict yourself from getting back into the habit.

Think about why you want to stop watching or reading hentai. Is it because it affects your energy level? Or is it affecting your real life relationships? Ask yourself some questions and understand the reasons why you want to stop your addiction.

Whenever you feel like relapsing, remind yourself of this reason and push through with your willpower and reasoning.

You don’t necessarily have to stop watching hentai completely

anime thinking meme

This might be counter intuitive, but hear me out. We are looking to stop only the addiction—the part of you that forcefully gets you to consume more and more hentai content like a lunatic.

Overcoming hentai addiction does not necessarily mean you have to quit hentai completely. I mean, it is your choice whether or not to quit, but having a good restriction and making a conscious decision to watch/read hentai is good enough.

If you can be conscious about what you are doing, then that is not addiction. Addiction is when you unconsciously force yourself to do something and you feel powerless against yourself.

In case you don’t feel like giving up hentai completely, try to reduce the frequency of times you consume hentai conent. From daily to once a week to once a month. Whatever works for you.

But this requires strong discipline and mindset to not fallback into the hentai addiction. So be warned.

That’s it for this article. Hope the above tips help you overcome hentai addiction and assist you to become the kind of person you desire to be in life.

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A single raven
A single raven
2 years ago

Ok I’m glad this all help me out a lot and my friend might get help from this to but I’m always stressed and go to this type of anime to clear my mind but it just fogs over it and put the echi pics in my mind if I close my eyes I see them yeah that bad and this helps I’ll be sure to follow these tip thank you so much

1 year ago

No funciona, puedes dar tips para aquellos que recurren a hentaik net y lo observan para mantenerse activos con hs que poseen buena historia y dibujo?

10 months ago

Nossa , gostei desse artigo , realmente muito bom , saboroso , nutritivo , faz você fortalecer corpo , mente e espírito , além de te deixar forte para vencer as tentações de ver um monte de personagem de anime com o pau 2050x maior que o iceberg que afundou o Titanic .

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