“Gabriel Dropout” is the beloved anime series that charmed audiences with its quirky humor and endearing characters in 2017. The anime is crowned as one of the best slice-of-life, comedy series. Six years later, fans are still waiting for Gabriel Dropout Season 2.
Will it really happen? Or has it been cancelled? Learn all the latest news and updates about the renewal of this slice-of-life anime.
Gabriel Dropout: Season 2 Overview
Name of the Season | Gabriel Dropout |
Season Number | Season 2 |
Genre | Comedy, Slice Of Life, Supernatural |
Initial Release Date | January 9, 2017 |
Gabriel Dropout Season 2 Release Date | To be announced |
Gabriel Dropout Season 2 Manga Chapters | Chapter 38 & beyond |
Gabriel Dropout Season 2 Release Date & Renewal Status
Fans have been anxiously waiting for official news regarding the release date of Gabriel Dropout Season 2. While there hasn’t been an official announcement as of September 2023, there’s hope that it gets a sequel in the future.
After all, the manga series is still going strong, and there is a good chance of a renewal. The renewal status is yet to be confirmed, but the anime community remains hopeful.
The anime has a good rating of 7.44 on MyAnimeList, and it is ranked #482 in terms of popularity.
The only hurdle for renewal is that the anime is not as popular as new-gen series like Kagua Sama: Love Is War. Normally, renewals depend on the popularity among the Japanese audience.
That said, the anime industry is really unpredictable. I wouldn’t be surprised if they announced a sequel after all these years.
Is There Enough Source Material For A Sequel?
A crucial aspect of any anime sequel’s production is the availability of source material. The original manga, which Ukami created, is the source in the case of Gabriel Dropout Season 2.
Currently, the manga is still going on in 2023. It has a total of 14 volumes so far, with the latest one released on September 27, 2023.
The anime covered only the first 37 chapters of the manga. There are 100+ chapters in the manga so far. So, there is sufficient manga material to adapt for a second season.
This means that the chances of a faithful and fulfilling continuation of the story are quite promising.
What Will Happen In Gabriel Dropout Season 2?
Without giving away too many spoilers, Gabriel Dropout Season 2 promises to continue the delightful escapades of its main characters.
The first season ended with Gabriel and Raphi planning to sneak Satania into heaven. So, the second season will start with the trio making a mess in heaven.
We can look forward to more comedic situations and amusing character dynamics. Gabriel, the fallen angel turned lazy gamer, and her friends, including Vignette, Satania, and Raphiel, are likely to find themselves in even more humorous predicaments.
Expect laughter, friendship, and perhaps a bit of mischief from this quirky cast.
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Which Studio Will Animate The Next Season?
The studio behind the animation plays a crucial role in the quality of any anime series.
While there hasn’t been official confirmation, fans hope that the same animation studio, Doga Kobo, will continue its involvement in Gabriel Dropout Season 2.
Doga Kobo’s previous work on the series contributed to its unique charm, and fans are eager for a consistent visual style in the upcoming season.
Where Can I Watch Gabriel Dropout Season 2?
Once Gabriel Dropout Season 2 is released, fans will be eager to know where they can watch it. Typically, new seasons of anime are available for streaming on popular platforms like Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix, depending on licensing agreements.
In case of Gabriel Dropout, the first season is available on Crunchyroll. So, we can surely expect the sequel to be updated on the same platform.
However, it is also possible that new streaming platforms might get the license to distribute, so stay tuned for official information.
In conclusion, Gabriel Dropout Season 2 is a highly anticipated anime sequel that has left fans excited and eager for more of its endearing characters and hilarious situations.
While an official release date and renewal status are pending, the availability of source material suggests a promising future for the series.
With the potential for more laughter and mischief, fans can’t wait to see what Gabriel and her friends have in store for them in the next season.
So, stay tuned and keep an eye on your favorite streaming platforms for updates on where to watch Gabriel Dropout Season 2 when it finally arrives.