Risultati della ricerca per: isekai

Libri manga per principianti

Libri introduttivi di manga: 5 opzioni per i lettori di manga per la prima volta

Trying to read in a reverse format can be extremely difficult. Manga books and novels are read from back to front, instead of front to back. Besides the unique formatting, the manga genre can be hard to take interest in. Some manga books aren’t translated into different languages or have complex stories to follow. If

Libri introduttivi di manga: 5 opzioni per i lettori di manga per la prima volta Leggi tutto »

anime per banner natalizio

Anime per Natale: i 10 migliori anime da guardare durante le festività natalizie

Festival time is nearly upon us, and, naturally, people are getting excited about it. Everyone spends Christmas in their own way, and the same goes for anime fans. They want to see something that will put them in the holiday mood and raise their festive spirit this winter season. This is why we are bringing

Anime per Natale: i 10 migliori anime da guardare durante le festività natalizie Leggi tutto »

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