These are the top 10 anime with anti hero mc that you must watch right now! From psychological stories to over-the-top fantasies, we’ve got a whole bunch of anime that focus on a main character who walks the thin line between being a hero and a villain.
Welcome to Anime Everything Online, and I’m here to recommend you the best of anime with an anti hero main character.
But before we jump into the listing, do know that we won’t be including any super popular titles like Death Note, Codice Geass or others that are already considered mainstream. After all, our goal here is to get you something new and interesting to watch, not just recommend the same old shows that everybody knows about.
Anyways, with that out of the way, let’s jump into the listing!
Top 10 Anime Where The Main Character is an Anti Hero
10. Suicide Squad Isekai

Starting off the list at number 10 is Suicide Squad Isekai, a brand new Anime With Anti Hero MC. This adaptation features several notorious DC characters including Harley Quinn, Peacemaker and others.
This story is about our heroes, who get transported to a fantasy realm where they have to finish their mission and find a way back home. Because if they fail to do so, the nano bombs planted in their necks will explode and they’ll all die.
While the series has not yet been released, I’m sure it’ll be a thrilling ride, as we watch our favorite villain-turned-heroes race against time and save the day.
Learn more about the show’s release date in Questo articolo!
9. Angels of Death

Next up at number 9 is Angels of Death, an underrated gem that truly deserves more attention and praise in the fandom. This is the story of a girl trapped inside a prison full of psychotic murderers who gets to roam around freely in their own designated levels.
They have complete authority in their area, and are allowed to torture or even kill people who trespass into their territory.
Luckily for our girl, a ruthless murderer with a body full of bandages ends up falling for her, and they try to escape the facility together.
With a ton of action and mind blowing plot-twists, this anime is a must watch for fans of the genre.
8. ID Invaded

Coming up at number 8 is Id Invaded, yet another underrated anime with an anti hero MC that takes detective stories to a whole new level.
This story takes place in a world where detectives use special technology to enter a criminal’s unconscious mind in order to investigate and find evidence from the psychological plane.
Our main character is one such detective who ends up on the other side of the law after a brutal incident in the past. The man is now seeking revenge and will go any length to bring justice in his own way.
Overall, with a ton of mysteries and mind blowing plot twists, ID invaded is totally worth your time!
7. Bastard: Heavy Metal Dark Fantasy

Coming in at number 7 is Bastard: Heavy Metal Dark Fantasy. Yeah I know, it’s a weird name for an anime but hey, this is what you get when you let Netflix handle the production.
Jokes aside, the story is about an all powerful evil pyromancer called Dark Schneider, who gets sealed within the body of a child.
However, when evil forces attack the kingdom of Metallicana, they have no choice but to unleash the dark wizard in order to save themselves from total annihilation.
Luckily for them, during the time he was sealed within the boy’s body, Dark Schneider got attached to his young caregiver and would go any length to protect her.
That said, his goal is still to rule the world and have his way with women, so there is never a dull moment as we watch a bad guy fight other bad guys and put them in their places.
6. Arifureta

For the 6th position on our list, we have Arifuta, one of the best anime with anti hero MC in the isekai genre.
This story is about a class of students who get transported into another world, where they have to play heroes and save the world.
However, one of such students gets betrayed and is left for dead in a dungeon teeming with dangerous monsters.
Clinging on to his life, our MC eats disgusting and poisonous things in order to survive. This ultimately twisted his personality but also gave him overpowered magical abilities.
He then meets and falls in love with a vampire girl who was also betrayed and left for dead within the deepest floor of the dungeon hundreds of years ago.
Together, they escape the place, find new teammates and explore the truths of the world as they go on a grand adventure seeking a way back home.
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5. Hellsing Ultimate

A metà della lista, al numero 5, c'è Hellsing ultimo, an anime with one of the most badass vampire MCs of all time.
This is the story about an overpowered vampire named Alucard who is contracted with the Hellsing family. His job is to kill ghouls, monsters and other evil people at the command of his master.
What sets this anime apart is its brutal visuals and storytelling which gets darker and darker with each episode.
With an interesting plot and a badass MC, you are sure to fall in love with this gruesomely good vampire anime series.
4. Gangsta

Coming up at number 4 is Gangstar, an anime with anti hero MC that focuses on the lawless side of a city and the two heroes who deal with them.
Questa storia parla della nostra coppia principale, Nicholas Brown e Worick Arcangelo, che sono mercenari a noleggio. Fanno il lavoro sporco sia per poliziotti che per criminali, il che li mette in una posizione delicata.
Quando un'organizzazione clandestina prende di mira la loro città e le persone che la abitano, i nostri eroi devono dare il massimo per completare il loro lavoro e sopravvivere alla guerra imminente.
Con un sacco di azione e tutta una serie di personaggi interessanti, Gangsta è un must per i fan del genere.
3. 91 Days

At the 3rd position on our list is this masterpiece of an anime called 91 Days. Questa è una storia a tema mafioso su un ragazzo orfano assetato di sangue per vendetta.
Falsificando la sua identità e seppellendo la sua innocenza, si unisce a una banda mafiosa in modo da potersi prendere il suo dolce tempo per ottenere la fiducia del suo nuovo capo e alla fine tradirlo poiché era una delle persone coinvolte nell'omicidio dei genitori del nostro MC.
Sebbene la trama possa sembrare un po’ triste e pesante, in realtà è molto più interessante di quanto sembri.
2. Dorohedoro

Al secondo posto della nostra lista c'è Dorohedoro, one of the newgen anime with anti hero mc that you must watch! This story that takes place in a dark and disorderly district where criminals run wild and death is just an everyday thing.
With no law or ethics, the strong devour the weak, and nobody is there to question it. In such a place, our MC has lost his memories and his face after a mysterious incident in the past.
With the head of a monster and the body of a man, our MC embarks on a journey to discover the truths about his past and his real identity.
Con un seconda stagione soon on its way, this is the right time for you to binge on this epic show!
1. A Certain Scientific Accelerator

Finally, at the number 1 spot on our list is A Certain Scientific Accelerator, one of the greatest anime out there when it comes to having an anti hero MC. You know how you sometimes feel like a villain deserves their own anime? Well, that’s exactly what happened here. The MC of this show used to be the villain in the Certain Scientific Railgun series.
And this anime explores his life after he got knocked down from his position of the più forte in the city. With a change of heart and a person to protect, our hero now goes around beating bad guys and even ends up saving the world.
With a ton of prequels and side stories, this is one grand franchise that I’m sure you’ll fall in love with.
So there you go guys, these are the top 10 anime with an anti hero MC that you must definitely watch! If you liked this article, don’t forget to hit the bell icon in the bottom corner for more recommendations, top 10s and other anime related content!
Thank you for reading and I’ll see you in the next one!