
Autorenname: Silvercrowv1

Silver ist der Administrator von Anime Everything Online. Er schaut seit über 6 Jahren Anime und schreibt seit über 3 Jahren darüber. Seine Lieblingsgenres sind Isekai, Comedy und Sport.

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Welcome to AnimeEverything.Online (AEO), the ultimate destination for all things anime! I’m Silver, the admin of AnimeEverything.Online, and I’m striving to make AEO a community of passionate anime enthusiasts who are dedicated to bringing quality top tens, recommendations, and discussions about all kinds of anime shows and movies. If you’re an anime fan looking to share your thoughts

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Dämonentöter Genderbend

What would it be like if your favorite characters from Demon slayer had a genderswap? That’s what today’s post is going to be about. I found some amazing Demon Slayer genderbend fan arts on Twitter and I thought I’ll make a post about them. Most of these following genderbend artworks were made by the same

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Social Media als Anime-Charaktere (und andere „etwas“-Chans)

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could personify our beloved social media as anime characters? Guess what? Some of our talented otaku/weeb artists have already done that!  As you might already know our anime community is infamous for making literally anything into anime characters. From Earth-chan to Clorox-chan, we have them all. So in this

Social Media als Anime-Charaktere (und andere „etwas“-Chans) Weiterlesen "

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