
Anime para o Natal: os 10 melhores anime para assistir nesta temporada de férias

Festival time is nearly upon us, and, naturally, people are getting excited about it. Everyone spends Christmas in their own way, and the same goes for anime fans. They want to see something that will put them in the holiday mood and raise their festive spirit this winter season. This is why we are bringing you a list of the 10 melhores animes para o Natalque você vai adorar.

The recommendations in a nutshell:

  1. Sonata de Inverno
  2. Padrinhos de Tóquio
  3. O desaparecimento de Haruhi Suzumiya
  4. Kanon
  5. Itsudatte My Santa
  6. Toradora
  7. Clannad
  8. Crianças lobos
  9. Sua mentira em Abril
  10. 5 centímetros por segundo

Some people like to binge-watch an entire anime in one evening; others prefer regular-sized movies. Which is why we’ve compiled a list comprising both series and movies! With that said, let’s jump into the recommendations, shall we?

Melhor Série de Anime para Binge Watch no Natal

6. Sua mentira em abril

Melhor anime emocional

Sua mentira em abril é um anime musical que vai acalmar sua alma. No entanto, há uma grande chance de que isso também faça você chorar seu coração. Nosso protagonista nesta história éKousei Arima,que é um pianista genial desde a infância.

But his mother put a lot of pressure on him, and after her death, he completely became unable to listen to the sound of his own piano due to trauma. This all changed when he met a pretty violinist by the name of Kaori Miyazono. A maneira como ela tocava violino parecia alcançar Kousei e motivá-lo a voltar aos velhos tempos de pianista prodigioso.

5. Clannad

anime como clannad

The plot of Clannad involves a delinquent named Tomoya Okazaki. He doesn’t have any purpose in his life and is looking to pass his days idly. One day, he meets a girl called Nagisa while going to school, and she catches his attention. Nagisatem uma maneira de motivar-se dizendo coisas que ela gosta.

Tomoya goes past her but soon finds her in school again. Slowly, the duo becomes friends, and Tomoya gets involved in Nagisa’s dream of reopening their school’s drama club along with a bunch of other girls. Each of the girls will teach Tomoya a valuable lesson that may just help him find purpose in his life.

4. Toradora

melhor anime rom-com

Toradora is one of the best rom-com animes out there, and it can surely get you in a festive mood for Christmas. Our two lead characters are Ryuuji TakasueTaiga Aisaka,que não têm nada em comum uns com os outros em termos depersonalities.

The only thing connecting them is their feelings for each other’s best friends. When they find out about this fact, they decide to help each other out, which gives rise to some Hiláriocenas. Isso também configura o enredo lindamente para um ótimo desenvolvimento de personagens em Ryuuji e Taiga, pois eles lentamente formam um vínculo bastante inesperado.

3. Itsudatte My Santa

anime para o natal - Itsudatte My Santa

Agora, este é um anime muito curto com apenas 2 episódios. Este show é perfeito para quem quer ter um relógio rápido e divertido.

What could be a better anime for Christmas than the one that has Santa in its name? My Santa follows the story of a boy named SSanta,who was born on 24th December. You would think that he enjoys Christmas because all the stars align with him. But that is not the case, and he is not too fond of this holiday. He mostly has to spend his time alone, and there is no one to even wish him on this festival.

Suddenly, oneday,y a girl named Mai comes to him on Christmas Eve. She is currently undergoing training to be a Papai Noel and promises him that she will do anything to make him happy. I know it sounds very sus but the situation plays out differently than you might expect.

2. Kanon

mostra como clannad

É sempre bom voltar ao lugar onde você morava quando criança. Mas parece não ser o caso deYuuichi Aizawa. He is very wary of returning to his old hometown after seven years. He has vivid memories of his past, and they are not so pretty.

Depois que Aizawa se instala em seu antigo lugar e começa a ir para a escola, ele ocasionalmente encontra alguns garotas que o conhecem de antes. Eles também trazem de volta suas memórias esquecidas quando um grande segredo começa a se revelar.

1. Fuyu no Sonata

anime para o natal - Fuyu no Sonata

If all the above anime have failed to put you in a Christmas moodmood,n Fuyu no Sonata (Winter Sonata) is bound to do that job. Fuyu no Sonata is an anime adaptation of a famous k-drama series of the same title.

It takes place in a beautiful snowy season and sets the mood right for the Christmas celebration. And if you are into romantic anime, then that is like a cherry on top for you.

Esta história é sobreYoo Jin, who has had deep-rooted feelings for Joon Sang since an early age. But unfortunately, her lover passes away, and she decides to marry her childhood friend. As if fate hasn’t finished playing with her, she meets someone who looks exactly like her past lover, putting her in a very tricky situation.

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Melhores recomendações de filmes de anime para o Natal

45 centímetros por segundo

5 centímetros por segundo

5 centimeters per second is a classic movie by Makoto Shinkao that will make you ready for the festive mood with some teary romance. So keep your tissues at hand and get ready to watch the story of Takaki ToonoeAkari Shinohara.

They are good childhood friends, but the distance between them keeps growing. Although they had promised to keep in contact, the waves of time take them far away with each passing second. It will also teach the viewers a de valor lesson: clinging to the past can never be a good thing.

3. Crianças Lobos

Filme de crianças lobos

Wolf Children is another perfect anime to watch for Christmas. It is a story about a beautiful girl named Hana who grows feelings for the mystery man in her college. Despite knowing that he can turn into a wolf, her feelings don’t falter, and they decide to start a family together.

Hana gives birth to two sweet children named Ame and Yuki, who can also turn into wolves just like their father. But after the death of her husband, Hana finds it difficult to raise her kids in the city. This is why she decides to move to the village and undergo this new challenge of taking care of her kids as a single mother.

2. O desaparecimento de Haruhi Suzumiya

anime para o natal - O desaparecimento de Haruhi Suzumiya

Este anime começa em um dia frio de Natal, quando Kyon vai para sua escola para a celebração do feriado de sua Brigada SOS. Mas parece que ele veio para um mundo diferente desde oBrigada SOS along with Haruhi Suzumiya, has completely disappeared.

Things are made even more complicated by the fact that Asahina doesn’t seem to knowhim, and Koizumi’s class is missing too. Meanwhile, their SOS Brigade room is occupied by the Literary Club,which has only one member. What’s going on? Watch this amazing anime movie to find out!

1. Padrinhos de Tóquio

Tokyo Godfathers - melhor filme de natal

Tokyo Godfathers é um dos animes clássicos que você pode assistir durante o Natal. Começa com três personagens chamados HanaGin, e Miyuki que procuram presentes entre o lixo.

Mas eles acidentalmente encontram um bebê que foi deixado sozinho ali. Hana incentiva os outros a encontrarem a mãe do bebê e leva a criança com eles. Eles tentam resolver as pistas para encontrar o biológico mãe, mas, em vez disso, se envolver em alguns eventos inesperados.

Precisa de mais recomendações de filmes de anime? Verifique minha postagem no 25 melhores filmes de anime de todos os tempos!

É isso para este post! Essas foram algumas das melhores séries e filmes de anime para você assistir neste Natal !! Espero que este artigo tenha ajudado a tornar suas férias muito mais saudáveis (^^)

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