

Bleach Squads - Gotei 13

Bleach Squads – “The Gotei 13” – Tutto quello che devi sapere

Let’s talk about Bleach, one of the well-known anime series that has thrilled its fans worldwide. This show has everything that a true anime lover can ask for: an amazing plot, fantastic characters, great moments and an insanely powerful orgainzation called the Gotei 13, the Bleach squads. You simply cannot ignore Bleach when it comes

Bleach Squads – “The Gotei 13” – Tutto quello che devi sapere Leggi tutto »

Candeggina TYBW

Bleach TYBW: Thousand Years of Blood War – Tutto quello che devi sapere

In early 2020, Tite Kubo, creator of Bleach and Shonen Jump, announced that the Bleach anime was going to return to complete its final “Thousand Years of Bloodwar Arc”. During the launch of the “Burn the Witch” anime, which will be a short-term series by Tite Kubo, fans were surprised by the following announcement, which

Bleach TYBW: Thousand Years of Blood War – Tutto quello che devi sapere Leggi tutto »

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