Das beste Beyblade zum Kauf im Jahr 2024 – PERFEKTER Kaufratgeber

Beyblades are a great addition to every kid’s toy collection. This is because it helps to keep them entertained for hours. Adults and kids alike enjoy playing with Beys, and it is an excellent way to limit screen time. In this article, I’ll be recommending the top 10 best Beyblade to buy in 2024.

Beys are sleek spinning tops are designed for high strength, solid defense, and aggressive attacks. These spinning tops must be used in a Bey stadium to simulate intense battles like the ones from the anime.

Although the tops are available in a wide variety of styles, the basic goal is to either topple the opponent’s bey or force it out of the arena.

Die besten Beyblades sind leicht und bestehen aus einer Kombination aus Kunststoff-, Metall- und Gummiteilen. Allerdings hat jede ihre Stärken und Schwächen. Während einige auf Geschwindigkeit ausgelegt sind, sind andere auf Verteidigung und Stärke ausgelegt.

The best top for a player is one that matches the player’s style and choice. And with a wide variety of styles available, there is a perfect fit for everyone.

Bevor wir in die Liste einsteigen, sollten Sie wissen, dass dieser Artikel Affiliate-Links enthält, über die ich eine Provision verdiene, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, den aufgeführten Bey zu kaufen. Selbstverständlich entstehen Ihnen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten.

The Best Beyblades to Buy in 2024

With the hoidays coming up, you may be looking for the best gifts for your kids, friends, or for yourself. And since you’re here, you’re clearly going to buy something for a beyblade fan.

Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir heute eine Liste der besten Beyblades da draußen zusammengestellt!

1. Beyblade Burst Pro Series Lord Spryzen Spinning Top — Best Balance Type BeyBlade To Buy In 2024

Pro-Serie Lord Spryzen

Das ist ein left and right spinning top Lord Spryzen D88-P PR-11 that is made out of original, premium components.

Sie können die Drehrichtung oben entweder links oder rechts in der Energieebene anpassen.

The bey is extremely durable, made with high quality metal making it able to land pretty heavy blows.

When it comes to defensive abilities, this beyblade is pretty much un-burstable and it has a decent stamina auch.


  • Sehr langlebig, platzt kaum.
  • Der Bey ist sowohl Links- als auch Rechtsdrehung.
  • Hat eine goldene Feder, die die Burst-Rate unterstützt.


  • Verschleißt nach mehreren intensiven Kämpfen.

2. BEYBLADE Burst Pro Series Judgement Joker-Kreisel-Starterpaket – Kampfspiel-Kreisel vom Angriffstyp mit Launcher-Spielzeug

Urteil Joker Beyblade

Beyblade Burst Pro Series Judgement Jocker ist eine offizielle Veröffentlichung aus dem Beyblade Store mit Originalkomponenten direkt aus Japan.

This blade consists of both metal and rubber, making it extra durable and tough, perfect for intense battles.

EIN right-spin GT Chip, two-Part Forge Disc, and Layer Weight component are included with the top.

To make the bey more appealing it also has some cool stickers with which you can customize the top.


  • Das Gewicht der Klinge in Kombination mit den offensiven Gummikontaktpunkten macht es einfach, andere Beyblades auszuschalten.
  • Hat eine gute Ausdauerreichweite für eine Beyblade vom Angriffstyp.
  • Perfekt für Profikämpfe.


  • Könnte nach mehreren intensiven Kämpfen abgenutzt sein.

3. Burst Dynamite Battle B-189 Booster Guilty Longinus Kr.MDS-2 Karma Metal Destroy-2

Burst Dynamite Battle B-189 Booster Guilty Longinus Kr.MDS-2 Karma Metal Destroy-2

BelleJiu Battling Tops Burst Dynamite Battle B-189 Booster Guilty Longinus Kr.MDS-2 Karma Metal Destroy-2 is another official Takara Tommy Beyblade. This Bey is particularly known for its offensive abilities. It packs heavy punches and has a great range.

It is the king of all attack type Beys that has the L gear system that will destroy most other beyblades.

This is also heavy and metallic which adds to its attack potential. It is easily one of the strongest beyblade to buy in 2024.


  • L-Gang
  • Schwerer Angriffstyp
  • Große Reichweite
  • Erstaunliche Verteidigung


  • Geringe Ausdauer

4. Beyblade Burst Turbo Slingshock Doppelpack Leopard L4 und Silver-X Jormuntor J4 – 2 rechtsdrehende Kampfkreisel


This is a combo pack of the official Burst Turbo merchandise that comes with two tops.

One is Beyblade Burst Turbo Sling shock Leopard L4 DR58 TA14-S. This is a right spinning attack type bey known for its offensive abilities.

The other is a balanced type bey Silver-X Jormuntor J4 D28 TB01-S, which has an overall balanced offense and defense setting.

Has rail riding abilities thanks to the performance tip.


  • Hat Schienenreiten zusammen mit der Fähigkeit, in Stücke zu platzen.
  • Toller Angriff und Ausdauer.


  • Verschleißt schneller als Takara Tommy Beys.

5. Beyblade Burst Pro Series Soul Balkesh Spinning Top Starter Pack — Best Stamina Type Beyblade To Buy In 2024

Soul Balkesh Beyblade

Das ist ein stamina type battling top that is a perfect fit for surviving long and grueling battles.

The Soul Balkesh D90-P PR-08 is a left spinning beyblade that comes with a big surface Energy Layer and friction reduction in the Performance Tip.

Es enthält auch eine Schichtgewichtskomponente sowie einen Linksdrehungs-GT-Chip.

Dem Bey liegen beeindruckende Sticker bei, mit denen du das Oberteil nach Herzenslust individualisieren kannst.


  • Super hohe Ausdauer.
  • Riesige Energieschicht mit Reibungsreduzierung für verbesserte Leistung.
  • Kann den meisten Angriffen standhalten, wenn der Gegner keinen schlagkräftigen Bey hat.


  • Nutzt sich nach intensivem Gebrauch ziemlich schnell.
  • Geringe Angriffskraft.

6. Beyblade Slingshock Turbo Spryzen S4

Beyblade Slingshock Turbo Spryzen S4-Min

We have yet another Spryzen model (S4) with 6 modes that is slingshock compatible. This bey has bidirectional spinning capabilities which can be used in the middle of the battle by using the ripcord.

The bey is made out of hard plastic that makes it durable and good enough defensive and stamina.


  • Turbo Wings, die ein Platzen beim Start verhindern.
  • Hat 6 Modi.
  • Billiger Preis.
  • Links- und Rechtsdrehung.


  • Ausdauerspitze nutzt sich schnell ab.
  • Der Wandrahmen wird leicht beschädigt.

7. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-148 Heaven Pegasus

Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst B-148 Heaven Pegasus

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The B-148 Heaven Pegasus is a high-strength Beyblade designed by Takara Tomy. It is a great choice for those looking for a long-lasting top. It is built from quality materials, which makes it quite sturdy and successful in battle.

This Bey has a powerful core which keeps it balanced and allows it to maintain its speed. It has yellow wings which release when hit by an opponent Beyblade to help with recovery and attack.


  • Es ist gut ausbalanciert.
  • Hat große Ausdauer.
  • Extrem widerstandsfähig gegen Angriffe


  • Hat einen niedrigen Treiber, der es manchmal leicht macht, ausgeknockt zu werden.

8. B-104 Burst gewinnt Valkyrie 12 Volcanic

B-104 Burst gewinnt Valkyrie 12 Volcanic

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This Bey is known as one of the most powerful tops on the market. It has great offensive power, high spin power, and excellent stamina, which provides it with massive offensive ability. The Burst Winning Valkyrie Volcanic is fairly bulky and has a colorful design.

It comes fitted with three large metallic wings, which knock out other tops. The Bey has a Volcanic tip which allows it to reach very high speeds.

It is a perfect beyblade to buy in 2024 if you’re looking for a winning streak!


  • Massive Offensivfähigkeit.
  • Verfügt über eine sehr schnelle Vulkanspitze.
  • Hohe Spinrate.


  • Hat ein unausgeglichenes Design, das zum Platzen führen kann.

9. Battle Tops Burst B-185 Booster Vanish Fafnir .Tp .Kc-3 Tapered Kick-3 Left Spin DB Layer System

Battle Tops Burst B-185 Booster Vanish Fafnir .TP .Kc-3 Tapered Kick-3 Left Spin DB Layer System

Anybody who is in love with the Fafnir line will absolutely be thrilled with this beyblade model. It is a left spinning Bey with the DB layer system.

It has easily one of the best spin stealing abilities, thanks to all the rubber, making it spin for a long time. The powerful counter attacks and spin equalization makes this a strong Beyblade to buy today.

Es kann leicht gegen die meisten anderen Beyblades in einem Wettbewerb gewinnen, aber ein bisschen mehr Anpassung kann es auf ein anderes Niveau bringen.


  • Spin-Ausgleich / Spin-Steal
  • Hohe Ausdauer
  • Hohe Verteidigung
  • Starke Gegenangriffe


  • Geringe Angriffskraft

10. BelleJiu B-169 Startervariante Luzifer .Mb 2D

BelleJui B-169 Startervariante Luzifer .Mb 2D

If you are looking for a Beyblade that offers great defense during battles, then the BelleJui B-169 Starter Variant Lucifer is an excellent choice. Apart from its exceptional sparking launcher, it also has 6 neon pink rubber blades that extend to provide excellent defense.

The Starter Variant Lucifer combines offense with defense with its 2D double chassis. While this can reduce its stamina, it allows the Bey to be able to withstand attacks during defense and offer powers during offense.

This is a best Beyblade to buy if you want a well-balanced play style.


  • Hochwertiger Funkenwerfer.
  • Tolle Kombination aus Verteidigung und Angriff.
  • Hat eine einzigartige 6-Blatt-Verteidigungsbarriere.


  • Sein großes und schweres Design bedeutet, dass es eine geringe Ausdauer hat.

11. Battle Tops Burst Dynamite Battle B-187 Starter Savior Valkyrie.Sh-7

Battle Tops Burst Dynamite Battle B-187 Starter Retter Valkyrie.Sh-7

This is an attack type beyblade with right spin and burst system. It is capable of recovering itself (spin steal) with its wing, which will prove helpful in battles.

This beyblade can take most other Beyblades head on and win. That said, it is far from the best beyblade there is. It is prone to burst easily against heavy types and has a comparatively poor driver.


  • Gute Angriffskraft
  • Anständige Reichweite und Ausdauer
  • Gute Besserung


  • Schlechte Berstfestigkeit
  • Hat einen niedrigen Treiber, der es manchmal leicht macht, ausgeknockt zu werden.

12. Beyblade Burst Evolution Single Top Pack Spryzen S2

Beyblade Burst Evolution Single Top Pack Spryzen S2

The Beyblade Burst Evolution Single Top Pack Spryzen S2 is a well-built attack top that is a great choice for beginners.

It is lightweight, which allows it to gather an amazing speed boost. With its speed, experienced players can launch it in such a way that it will be able to avoid attacks from enemies by darting around the stadium. This will allow the Beyblade to outlast the opponents during long battles.

This is one of the best beyblade to buy for beginners who are just starting out.

However, its light weight also means that it can be easily knocked out by more offensive tops. At the center of the top is a quality metal ring, which helps it to maintain balance.


  • Schneller Angriff oben.
  • Anständige Beleidigung.
  • Gut gebaut und robust.


  • Leicht und schlechte Verteidigung.

13. Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst GT B-155 Master Diabolos

Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst GT B-155 Master Diabolos

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Beyblade’s Master Diabolos are a great improvement from the older Venom Diabolos, which were known for their low-quality components and poor stick driver. While the Master Diabolos still has Venom’s dual-layer ability, it is stronger, has more endurance, and more stamina. These features allow it to easily knock out tops during battles.

The Master Diabolos can spin as a left-spinning top or a right-spinning top, which allows it to change from offensive to defensive mid-battle. At the start, it is an attack top, but if the battle continues to drag for a long time, it will start to sustain its momentum so it can outlast the opponent. The Beyblade comes with its own ripcord and launcher.


  • Es hat linksdrehende und rechtsdrehende Fähigkeiten.
  • Tolle Balance zwischen Angriff und Verteidigung.
  • Kommt mit einem eigenen Launcher.


  • Hat nur kleine Metallteile.

14. Beyblade Burst B-161 Booster Glide Ragnaruk

Beyblade Burst B-161 Booster Glide Ragnaruk

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This neon orange top is one of the newest releases which is a perfect Beyblade to buy for kids.

It is a great improvement over the older Ragnaruk versions.

The B-161 Booster Glide Ragnaruk is highly customizable with four elements that can be placed on the driver or personalized depending on the player’s choice. It also has a singular chassis, which allows it to be paired with any disc.

Im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Versionen ist dieser Ragnaruk stabiler und hilft ihm, aggressive Kreisel zu besiegen. Es verfügt über einen Old-School-Revolve-Driver, der bei Bedarf gegen einen neuen Driver ausgetauscht werden kann.


  • Hat mehrere Anpassungsoptionen.
  • Große Verbesserung gegenüber den früheren Ragnaruk-Versionen.
  • Hohe Ausdauer.


  • Schwache Offensivfähigkeiten

15. BelleJiu B-180 Booster Dynamite Belial .Nx .Vn-2 Nexus Venture-2

BelleJiu B-180 Booster Dynamite Belial .Nx .Vn-2 Nexus Venture-2

This is one of the cheapest attack Beyblades to buy today. It has red, black, and metallic gold details, as well as the dynamic Demon King motif. The BelleJiu B-180 Booster Dynamite Belial .Nx .Vn-2 Nexus Venture-2 has a dual-mode design for low or high attacks. This allows you to adjust your attack height based on your strategy or the design of your opponent’s Beyblade.

The Beyblade has a right-side spin and a Nexus disc to provide more weight and height, especially during the high attack mode. It also features a unique triple-blade design, and its high-performance tip ensures aggressive, quick attacks.


  • Ausdauerstarkes und kompaktes Beyblade im Angriffsstil.
  • Bietet niedrige und hohe Angriffsmodi zur Auswahl, basierend auf Strategie und Gegner.
  • Hat ein einzigartiges, aggressives Aussehen.


  • Aus leichtem Kunststoff.

What To Look For In A Beyblade?

What To Look For In A Beyblade?

Beyblade is a game where two players launch tops at each other in a stadium. The tops can burst, which means they come apart. The first player to get three points wins the game.

I just recommended you some of the best beyblade to buy today. However, which among them is the best choice for you? It all comes down to individual play style.

There are four types of Beyblades: attack, stamina, defense, and balance.

  • Attack Type: These tops are powerful but can be easily knocked out of the stadium.
  • Stamina Type: These tops are durable, but don’t hit hard. They spin for a longer time.
  • Defense Type: These tops are hard to knock out but don’t hit hard either.
  • Balance Type: These tops are a mix of attack and defense, offering a stablilized gameplay.

Depending on the player’s strategy any of these Beyblade type can dominate a duel.

Some Beys are also good at spin stealing. This means, a top that is about to die out can steal momentum from an opposing Bey and continue spinning. This is definitely one of the best things to look for when buying a Beyblade.


Wie bereits erwähnt, gibt es verschiedene Arten von Beyblades, daher ist es wichtig, dass die Art, die Sie wählen, zu Ihrem Spielstil passt.

Sie sollten auch das Gewicht und die Balance des Oberteils berücksichtigen. Obwohl schwerere Kreisel stärker sind, sind sie auch schwerer zu kontrollieren. Diejenigen mit großer Balance sind viel einfacher zu kontrollieren und halten lange Zeit. Überprüfen Sie auch die Ausdauer des Beyblade, um gute Offensivfähigkeiten sicherzustellen. Die Befolgung dieser Tipps wird Ihnen dabei helfen, das beste Beyblade für Sie zu finden.

Hope this article helped you to find the best Beyblades to buy in 2024 and fulfill you or your child’s dreams!

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